Monday, November 5, 2007

What Happened to the Blog Posts?

You may have wondered why I haven't posted in a month. You probably guessed, rightfully, that I'm not very good at this and as a result it takes me a month to come up with as much content and FSJ comes up with before coffee. You would be correct in your assumptions, but not in the reason there are no new posts.

The reason being is that my posts are now on our corporate site at the OpSource Executive Blog.Please feel free to head over their check out my musings on the business of SaaS and Web Applications.

In the meantime, I've decided to keep this blog running. It will still be mostly industry observations, but now I won't have to worry about spelling or grammar or calling telcos evil. That said, I don't get paid for this one, so please make sure to check the Executive Blog for more regular postings.

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